13th Nordic Melanoma Meeting
The 13th Nordic Melanoma Meeting in Copenhagen 2018 focuses on contemporary topics, including recent innovations and scientific achievements in many aspects of melanoma management, as well as broad discussions of future collaborative prospects among melanoma centers. Danish Melanoma Group, www.melanoma.dk.
Date: 5–7 September 2018.
Venue: Axelborg – just opposite Tivoli in the very center of Copenhagen (20 min. from airport).
Information: www.nordicmelanomameeting2018.com
Confirmed speakers: Christian Blank, The Netherlands; Christian Ingvar, Sweden; Claus Garbe, Germany; Georgina Long, Australia; Göran Jönsson, Sweden; Inge Marie Svane, Denmark; Jeffrey Gershenwald, USA; John Thompson, Australia; Julie Gehl, Denmark; Jürgen Becker, Germany; Lars Bastholt, Denmark; Lisbet R. Hölmich, Denmark; Marc Moncrieff, UK; Torben Steiniche, Denmark.
We cordially invite you to contribute with scientific abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
Abstract deadline is July 8. Early bird registration until August 6.