Berzelius symposium No 96: Diabetes and the cardiovascular risk
Berzelius symposium No 96: Diabetes and the cardiovascular risk challenge – mechanisms, epidemiology and treatment aspects.
Date: 23–25 May 2018, kl 11.00
Venue: Malmö, Sweden.
More information and registration:
Organising Committ : Peter M Nilsson, Professor, MD, PhD, Lund University (chair,) Margrét Leosdottir, MD, PhD, Lund University Lars Rydén, Senior Professor, MD, PhD, Karolinska Institute (co-chair) Linda Mellbin, MD PhD, Karolinska Institute Carl Johan Östgren, Professor, MD, PhD, Linköping University Stig Attvall, Associate Professor, MD, PhD, Sahlgrenska Academy.