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ITPD 2019 – International symposium on tick-borne pathogens and disease

International symposium on tick-borne pathogens and disease, ITPD 2019.

Date: 8–11 September 2019.

Venue: Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 10-14, 1130 Vienna, Austria.

Topics: Tick research. Tick-borne pathogens. Tick-borne diseases: anaplasmosis, bartonellosis, borrelioses, relapsing fever, rickettsioses, tick-borne meningoencephalitis and others, Pathogenicity, Immunology. Diagnosis and management of tick-borne diseases. Laboratory support in diagnosis of tick-borne diseases: relevance of results. Epidemiology. Prevention.

Organised by ÖGHMP and ESGBOR/ESCMID study group for lyme borreliosis.

Symposium Secretariat & Registration: AZ Med.Info; Contact: Lisa Thek, Natalie Ubl, phone: +43 1 531 16-75, – 73; Fax: +43 1 531 16-61; e-mail:
