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Obstruktiva lungsjukdomar och allergi

Obstruktiva lungsjukdomar och allergi, symposium 4–5 september, sessionssalen, Landstingshuset, Luleå, i arrangemang av OLIN-studierna, Norrbottens läns landsting och Umeå universitet

Preliminärt program (hålls på engelska)

Population studies of asthma, COPD and allergy – their importance in translational research

Friday, September 4 (start 09.00 am)

Welcoming and introductory session: The priority of medical research in Northern Sweden

Session 1: The need of population-based research: a shadow of the past or a challenge for the future?

Session 2: Asthma and allergy in childhood and teenage

Session 3: COPD – controversies and new knowledge

Session 4: The importance of measuring lung function

Saturday, September 5 (start 09.00 am)

Session 5: Asthma and allergy among adults

Session 6: Environment and risk factors for respiratory diseases

Concluding remarks

Symposiet är kostnadsfritt Ingen föranmälan krävs